Woodcuts and Collaged Woodcuts
Traditionally whites and lighter tones are achieved by cutting into the wood. I construct a jigsaw and achieve the tones by applying more or less ink to each piece or group of similarly toned pieces. The inked pieces are assembled in a jig and the image transferred to paper in a relief press.
My press is small and thus larger woodcuts are printed in sections and the pieces collaged together. Shown is the cut wood and one of four sections of Bed, Room With A View.

Light Installation and Light ProjectionMechanism
Far left is the paper mask for A Break In The Cloud. This slide is put into the projector shown in the video left. In front of the projector lens are two card circles turning in opposite directions, powered by a micro motor geared down to revolve once every four minutes. As the holes on each disc align the light gradually shines through onto the inked woodcut or painting and diminishes as the holes part.The mechanism and the surface that is lit comprise the light installation.